Navigation Menu ID: Large Home button sits above a navigation bar that links to several pages in this order from left to right: Community, Activities, My Portfolio, Contact. Buttons highlight blue green when hovered over. In addition to the tabs listed, each tab drops down to an additional page. Community drops down to an option labeled Abroad Experiences. Activities drops down to an option labeled Theatre Interpreting, My Portfolio drops down to option labeled Video Editing Portfolio.
Welcome, I’m
(He/They) - Activist / Artist / Aspiring Interpreter
ID: 2 split columns. Left column with solid purple coloring and white lettering reading "Welcome, I'm Travis Haigler" in white Avenir Light font with Travis Haigler in bolder, larger emphasized font. "He/They - Activist / Artist / Aspiring Interpreter" Sits below in smaller text. Right column freeze frames a link to Travis Haigler's introductory video. Clickable Red and white play button hovers over the center of the video to play the video. Video shows Travis - a tall brown skin masculine presenting individual with black shoulder length locs and a small silver eyebrow piercing through his right eyebrow appearing on the left side of the screen. He is captured from the waist up wearing a dark purple button up shirt sitting against a blank white wall. He is introducing himself and his website in ASL.
About Me
Page ID: Page background is light gray. Dark purple bolded About Me text flies in from the left upon scrolling. Three paragraphs lay under that. Clickable magenta button with words "View Full Resume" in white Avenir Light font exists below paragraphs. Leads to a PDF version of my resume in a new tab.
Hi! My name is Travis Haigler. I'm a passionate, young creative mystified by the profound power of language, storytelling, and art. I am an activist, poet, musician, and aspiring author. I believe expression is the truest, most human form of emotional validation.
I firmly believe that when we are denied our right to express, we are denied part of our human experience. That is why it has become my goal to tirelessly advocate for linguistic access: specifically for Deaf people of the African Diaspora marginalized by the intersection of racism and ableism, and lower socioeconomic Spanish speakers in my hometown of the Bronx (NYC).
As a proud, non-conforming Black individual, I tacitly understand the relationship between power and oppression and the harmful effects of systems created by these unjust dynamics. My hope is to use my passions, my studies, and the afflictions of those affected by these systems - people who tend to look like me - to transform how we interact with these systems and institutions on a societal level.
Page ID: Page background is light lavender. Large white text reading "Community" sits middle aligned at the center of the page and flies in the from the left upon scrolling. A black, bolded, italicized and slightly popped out bell hooks quote sits directly underneath "Community". Under that is a short blurb explaining the function of the community page. 10 gray boxes -5 on the left side of the screen and 5 on the right- depict a photo of a member of my community and a quote about our work together. Each box has an ID of the community member's under their quote.
I've had the true pleasure, honor, and privilege of co-creating loving, liberatory spaces with many people in many places over the years. Here is what some of them had to say:

Nilda Carrasquillo, She/Her/Ella, Life Coach
"Sunshine" as I call them has always been a human who has shown the world who they really are but at times, we may say, was ignored. Their ability to always seek the truth was challenged by the world that they were surrounded with, that unknowingly, didn't provide the space for authenticity and freedom.
Their resiliency was expressed through creating a structure based on consistency and commitment to the task at hand, whether personal, academic, or professional.
Many identifiers, so tall, so quiet and so smart are a few. The one that was not ever stated was too big for a world that can be so small in their thinking.
Whether you know them personally or professionally or in any other capacity, you know they are dedicated to the task at hand and committed to making an impact in this earth where we can live, love and share our authentic self in a safe world!"
ID: Blue silhouette of a person as a generic profile picture in top left corner.
Johnna Lambert, She/Her, Sista
I have known Travis for 14 years. We met in the 4th grade and he has been my best friend ever since. Travis is a person of impeccable character who is dedicated to service and uplifting the Black community. He embodies generosity, compassion, intelligence, and integrity in his everyday life, and it has been a pleasure to have had the privilege of growing up with him.

There are very few people in this world with a heart as big as Trav's. He is supportive and goes out of his way to make those around him feel cared for. He knows how to bring people together, often jumping at the opportunity to plan outings and celebrations for friends and family. Trav goes out of his way to check in on people and encourages wellness and mental well being. He lives with the objective of spreading love and brings light to any room that he's is in.
ID: A photo of Johnna - Medium brown skin feminine presenting individual in her early 20s with black crumped tightly coiled afro-textured hair and ombre/blonde end out in an afro. She has yellow eyeshadow large hoop earrings and a nose ring through the septum wearing A graduation stool with traditional African print and a graduation cap with tassel on the right side of the photo. She is facing slightly left, looking and smiling with teeth directly at the camera.
Charles Wallace-Thomas IV, He/Him/El, Brother in Liberation
More to Come.
ID: A photo of Charles - Dark Brown skin African-American man in his early 20s smiling with teeth and wide grin looking directly at the camera. He has slight mustache, chin hair, and short tightly coiled afro textured hair that is higher on the left side than the right. Picture shows from the neck up. He is wearing a white collared shirt, a gray striped tie, and a cream colored suit jacket. He in front of a red brick wall.
I can honestly say that no student in my fifteen years at Northeastern has impressed me more for their integrity, intellectual curiosity, resilience, honesty, and commitment to solidarity and service.
Despite the burdensome and relentless nature of much of his work, Travis always finds a way to bring grace, humor, patience, compassion, optimism, and joy into his interactions with others.

I can deeply appreciate but not do justice to describing his ability to synthesize knowledge at the intersection of his lived experience and expansive familiarity with feminist and anti-oppressive scholarship. I have seen an inclusive leader and champion of others, a budding intellectual with a voracious appetite for learning, and a creative whose complex thought process is best shared through mixed media.
ID: A photo of Rebecca - middle aged fair skinned white woman with shoulder length slightly wavy dark brown hair stands slightly facing the right, smiling a small thin lipped grin, not looking directly at the camera. She is wearing an olive green shirt and matching colored thin sweater over it. She has red orange diamond earrings, a long gold chained necklace, and a patterned scarf draped over her shoulders. She stands in front of a green chalkboard with lettering indecipherable written on it in yellow chalk. Her name is highlighted with a clickable link to the collaboratively co-authored Principles of Anti-Oppressive Community Engagement for University Educators and Researchers appearing in a new tab.

Becca Berkey, She/Her, Liberatory Co-Conspirator
I can say without reservation that Travis is one of the most dedicated learners, advocates, and community members I have had the pleasure of meeting during my career. Their efforts as they pertain to ethical and justice-oriented community engagement are nothing short of impressive.
Travis’s values were reflected in everything from high level and in-depth weekly discussion boards, thought-provoking questions for and interactions with our guest speakers, and challenging all of us to make accessibility a focus rather than an afterthought. It illuminated Travis’s never-ending quest for self-knowledge and their genuine curiosity about other people’s experiences. While it was through my class that I first became acquainted with Travis, I have had the opportunity to observe how they take these same characteristics into everything they do. Additionally, they’re able to do this with a good dose of humor and humility- which is rare indeed. It was a first to have a final reflection paper turned into a script for a television-show adaptation, and it was cutting, spot-on, and also, hysterical.
ID: A photo of Becca - fair skinned white woman in her late 30s with chest length straight medium brown hair stands smiling with wide toothed grin looking directly at the camera with head slightly tilted to the right. She wears thick framed glasses that are darker colored on the top and lighter on the bottom and a dark blue shirt with a patch of a red flower appearing on the right side of the photo. She stands in front of a blurred outside background.
From deconstructing gender and other social constructs, to color theory conversations turned poems, to putting together an entire magazine and work book to help others heal, Trav is always a source of inspiration. I have loved watching them grow more fully into themself over the last year, and am so grateful to have been there for part of this journey. I am beyond excited to see where they go and what they do next!
ID: A photo of Jayla. medium brown skin African-American feminine presenting individual with shoulder length black blown out hair stands with wide toothed grin smiling, looking directly at the camera, head slightly tilted to the left. She wears an olive colored collared shirt with the top two buttons open, large glasses with black rims, and a black fedora atop her head. Her name is highlighted with a clickable link to her writing Instagram appearing in a new tab.
I met Travis for the first time under the impression of them being a photography client. However, their extremely kind, honest, and non-judgmental ways of communication opened doors for such a rewarding and giving friendship.
Travis is a creative and free spirit that truly puts love at the forefront of all they do. He is active in his community, whether that be offering to do labor for his friends or sharing impactful and informative content to better our communities.
ID: A photo of Toni. Dark brown skin African-American individual sits with a thin smile facing slightly right, head slightly titled to the right as well. They have blue afro-textured hair out in an afro, thin rimmed rectangular glasses, and a silver chocker chain with 2 silver keys on it. They are wearing a blue hoodie and have a black cat snuggled on their left shoulder appearing on the right side of the photo. The cat's face is turned away. They sit with a white wall in the background. The picture is adorned with added-in stickers all around it. One of a blue butterfly in their hair in the top left of the photo, one of a fairy where their glasses meet their right ear, one of a sunflower at the base of their neck, and one of a red ladybug on the right side of the photo. Toni's name is highlighted with a clickable link to their website that opens in a new tab.
I was lucky enough to be in the same Interpreting Program cohort as Travis, and I got to witness his skills firsthand. Travis is quick on his feet and great at both interpretations and translations.
Additionally, Travis is very mindful of interpreting ethics and always ensures that everything is fair, ethical, and prioritizes the Deaf consumer and equal access to communication. He is dedicated, hardworking, and perseverant; I am excited to continue watching his journey in the interpreting field.
ID: A photo of Erin. Young adult white feminine presenting individual with straight chest length brown hair, light blue eyes, and hearing aids with silver charms on them. She is wearing a Navy Blue shirt, standing on the right side of the frame facing and looking directly at the camera, smiling. Their name is highlighted to a clickable link to their Instagram.
Page ID: Page background is white. Large purple text reading "Activities" sits middle aligned at the center of the page and flies in the from the left upon scrolling. Six clickable boxes -3 on the left and 3 on the right side of the page- describe various activities I've taken part in. All acompanying media is captioned and IDed.

Skills and Contact Page ID: column is split in 2. In the left column is a picture of Travis in a cream colored flannel with both hands tucked under each side of his chin and his black shoulder length dreads pulled back into two ponytails. He looks a wide toothed grin looking directly at the camera. He has a silver piercing through the end of his right eyebrow. The right column has white text against a purple background listing skills and contact information.